Blue masking tape 18mm/50m

Catalogue index: 020 311

  • Availability: In stock
  • Delivery time: Completion to 3 days
  • Delivery: from PLN16.11 (GLS (PL))
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 0.089
PLN8.30 gross / Pcs PLN6.75 net + 23% VAT / Pcs

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Blue masking tape is designed to enable professional quality paint jobs with clean paint edges. This paper masking tape works in combination with all types of paints. Can remain in place once applied for 30 days (14 days if in direct sunlight) but should be removed once the painting has been carried out. Removes cleanly from painted walls, trim, woodwork, glass and metal surfaces.

Product properties:

  • Blue crepe paper backing
  • Clean and easy removal
  • 14 day UV resistance
  • Smooth and slightly rough surfaces
  • For all paint types
  • Indoor or outdoor application
  • Elminate paint bleeding

Cost of delivery

GLS (DE) : from PLN58.55
Odbiór osobisty : from PLN0.00
GLS(AT) : from PLN49.15
GLS (PL) : from PLN16.11
GLS (CZ) : from PLN43.79
GLS (BE) : from PLN67.00
GLS (HR) : from PLN85.00
GLS (NL) : from PLN69.74
GLS (FR) : from PLN87.00
GLS (IE) : from PLN160.52
GLS (LT) : from PLN65.31
GLS (LV) : from PLN78.35
GLS (HU) : from PLN60.30
GLS (SE) : from PLN97.30
GLS(FI) : from PLN128.25
GLS (ES) only continent : from PLN126.60
GLS (SK) : from PLN52.03

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