Skimming spatula with aluminium handle 800 mm

Catalogue index: 040 831

  • Availability: In stock
  • Delivery time: Completion to 3 days
  • Delivery: from PLN16.11 (GLS (PL))
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 1.114
PLN238.83 gross / Pcs PLN194.17 net + 23% VAT / Pcs

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Skimming spatulas are an ultra-flexible spatulas made from a very fine grade of steel. The rounded edges and tapered blade allows the user to easily get into corners, whilst the ergo frame molded handle allows for effortless use and is easy on the joints. Skimming spatula can be used for finishing and smoothing both walls and ceilings of plaster and special finishes. Due to the variety of sizes, the time of the plastering process can be cut down, allowing you to use your time more efficiently. 

Aluminium handle with high impact end caps
Stainless steel blade with rounded edges
Ergonomic shape which provide excellent control

Easy blade exchange

unscrew • remove end cap • remove the blade •insert a new blade • back end cap • tighten

Cost of delivery

GLS (DE) : from PLN58.55
Odbiór osobisty : from PLN0.00
GLS(AT) : from PLN49.15
GLS (PL) : from PLN16.11
GLS (CZ) : from PLN43.79
GLS (BE) : from PLN67.00
GLS (HR) : from PLN85.00
GLS (NL) : from PLN69.74
GLS (FR) : from PLN87.00
GLS (IE) : from PLN160.52
GLS (LT) : from PLN65.31
GLS (LV) : from PLN78.35
GLS (HU) : from PLN60.30
GLS (SE) : from PLN97.30
GLS(FI) : from PLN128.25
GLS (ES) only continent : from PLN126.60
GLS (SK) : from PLN52.03

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